

Harvey Bui

Senior Engineer

Senior Software Engineer at Huge

Crafting clean code

As a Senior Software Engineer at Huge, I apply my passion and expertise in web development to create complex and user-friendly applications for clients across various industries. I have over 9 years of experience in working with modern technologies such as CSS, JavaScript, React, Node, and MongoDB, as well as best practices such as BEM, SASS, and A11Y.

I enjoy collaborating with other engineers, designers, and managers to deliver high-quality, scalable, and secure products that meet the needs and expectations of our users. I also mentor other developers, monitor and process pull requests, and continuously learn new skills and tools to improve my craft. My goal is to generate a nicely crafted source code that supports fantastic experiences.

I love deeply understanding the technologies I use

  • Front End: ReactJS, NextJS, jQuery, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Back End: NodeJS (Express), PHP
  • Data Store: MySQL, MongoDB
  • Web-Servers: Apache, Nginx